In this article I want to share powershell commands with which you can quickly import a basic configuration Exchange 2013 Edge server. First, export the configuration from the source server Exchange Edge 2010, before each command is written which configuration is exported:
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\ex-config -ea 0
## IP Allow list
Get-IPAllowListEntry | Select IPRange | Export-Csv c:\ex-config\ip-allow.csv
## IP Block list
Get-IPBlockListEntry | Select IPRange | Export-Csv c:\ex-config\ip-block.csv
## Bypassed Recipients (whitelist to)
Get-ContentFilterConfig | select BypassedRecipients -expand BypassedRecipients |
select local, domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BypassedRecipients.csv -notypeinformation
## Bypassed Senders (whitelist from)
Get-ContentFilterConfig | select BypassedSenders -expand BypassedSenders |
select local, domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BypassedSenders.csv -notypeinformation
## Blocked Senders (blacklist from)
Get-SenderFilterConfig | select BlockedSenders -expand BlockedSenders |
select local, domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BlockedSenders.csv -notypeinformation
## Blocked Senders domain (blacklist from)
Get-SenderFilterConfig | select BlockedDomains -expand BlockedDomains |
select domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BlockedDomains.csv -notypeinformation
## Blocked Senders domain and sub (blacklist from)
Get-SenderFilterConfig | select BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains -expand BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains |
select domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains.csv -notypeinformation
## Blocked Recipients (blacklist to)
Get-RecipientFilterConfig | select BlockedRecipients -expand BlockedRecipients |
select local, domain | export-csv c:\ex-config\BlockedRecipients.csv -notypeinformation
## Transport rules
$file = Export-TransportRuleCollection
Set-Content -Path "C:\ex-config\Ex2010TransportRules.xml" -Value $file.FileData -Encoding Byte
Then you need to copy a folder c:\ex-config with configuration files to the destination server and execute commands powershell:
## IP Allow list
$IPList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\ip-allow.csv
ForEach ($SingleIP in $IPList) { Add-IPAllowListEntry -IPRange $SingleIP.IPRange }
## IP Block list
$IPList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\ip-block.csv
ForEach ($SingleIP in $IPList) { Add-IPBlockListEntry -IPRange $SingleIP.IPRange }
## Bypassed Recipients (whitelist to)
$MList2 = (Get-ContentFilterConfig).BypassedRecipients
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BypassedRecipients.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
$mail2 = $mail.local + "@" + $mail.domain
Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedRecipients $Mlist2
## Bypassed Senders (whitelist from)
$MList2 = (Get-ContentFilterConfig).BypassedSenders
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BypassedSenders.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
$mail2 = $mail.local + "@" + $mail.domain
Set-ContentFilterConfig -BypassedSenders $Mlist2
## Blocked Senders (blacklist from)
$MList2 = (Get-SenderFilterConfig).BlockedSenders
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BlockedSenders.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
$mail2 = $mail.local + "@" + $mail.domain
Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedSenders $Mlist2
## Blocked Senders domain (blacklist from)
$MList2 = (Get-SenderFilterConfig).BlockedDomains
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BlockedDomains.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomains $Mlist2
## Blocked Senders domain and sub (blacklist from)
$MList2 = (Get-SenderFilterConfig).BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
Set-SenderFilterConfig -BlockedDomainsAndSubdomains $Mlist2
## Blocked Recipients (blacklist to)
$MList2 = (Get-RecipientFilterConfig).BlockedRecipients
$MList = Import-Csv c:\ex-config\BlockedRecipients.csv
ForEach ($mail in $MList)
$mail2 = $mail.local + "@" + $mail.domain
Set-RecipientFilterConfig -BlockedRecipients $Mlist2
## Transport rules
[Byte[]]$Data = Get-Content -Path "C:\ex-config\Ex2010TransportRules.xml" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0
Import-TransportRuleCollection -FileData $Data
You also need to perform general configuration commands, here are some examples:
New-ReceiveConnector -Name Inet -Bindings <your ip eg>:25 -RemoteIPRanges
-Fqdn <your server fqdn eg> -AuthMechanism none -MaxMessageSize <your limit eg 60Mb>
-PermissionGroups AnonymousUsers -ProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose
Set-ReceiveConnector <your internal server connector> -Bindings <your ip eg>:25 -MaxMessageSize <your limit eg 60Mb> -ProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose
Add-IPBlockListProvider -Name Spamhaus -LookupDomain
-AnyMatch $true -Enabled $true -RejectionResponse "Your message was rejected because the IP address of the sending server {0} is blacklisted by {1} Lookup Domain {2}"
Add-IPBlockListProvider -Name "Dul Sorbs" -LookupDomain
-AnyMatch $true -Enabled $true -RejectionResponse "Your message was rejected because the IP address of the sending server {0} is blacklisted by {1} Lookup Domain {2}"
Add-IPBlockListProvider -Name Spamcop -LookupDomain
-AnyMatch $true -Enabled $true -RejectionResponse "Your message was rejected because the IP address of the sending server {0} is blacklisted by {1} Lookup Domain {2}"
Set-ContentFilterConfig -QuarantineMailbox -SCLRejectEnabled $False -SCLQuarantineThreshold 7 -SCLQuarantineEnabled $True
Set-TransportServer <your server name> -ConnectivityLogPath "D:\TransportRoles\Logs\Connectivity"
-MessageTrackingLogPath "D:\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking" -ReceiveProtocolLogPath "D:\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive"
-SendProtocolLogPath "D:\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\SmtpSend" -AgentLogPath "D:\TransportRoles\Logs\ProtocolLog\AgentLog"